Plants that attract Birds into your garden
Birds help to keep your garden naturally free from slugs and other pests. If you want to attract birds into your garden, why not give them good reason to visit by having plenty of plants they love?
Plants can attract birds into your garden because they offer birds shelter or are a source of food. Birds can have strong characters and even individual birds can be identified and become regular visitors to your garden. Once you start attracting birds into your garden you will be suprised at the variety even in small spaces.
Below is a list of plants that can attract birds to your garden:
Anthirrhinum commonly known as 'Snapdragon'
annus commonly known as 'Sunflower'
Hedera helix commonly known as 'English Ivy'
Fruit bushes
Fragaria rosaceae commonly known as 'Strawberry'
rubus commonly known as 'Raspberry'
Ribus nigrum commonly known as
Vaccinium commonly known as 'Blueberry'
Vitus vinifera
commonly known as 'Grape Vines'
Anthriscus sylvestriscommonly known as 'Queen Anne's Lace'
Centaurea commonly known as 'Knapweed'
Cirsium commonly known as
Filipendula commonly known as 'Meadowsweet'
Amelanchier commonly known as 'Snowy Mespilus'
Berberis wilsoniae stenophylla
Cornus mas Oenothera
Crataegus monogyna commonly known as 'Hawthorn'
europaeus commonly known as 'Spindle Tree'
Ilex commonly
known as 'Holly'
Leycesteria formosa commonly known as 'Himalayan
Honeysuckle', 'Pheasant Berry'
Lonicera periclymenum commonly known as
Mahonia aquifolium
Malus commonly known as 'Crab Apples'
Prunus laurocerasus commonly known as 'Laurel l. Otto Luyken'
commonly known as 'Fire Thorn'
Sambucus commonly known as 'Elder'
Sarcococca commonly known as 'Christmas Box'
Sorbus commonly known as
'Rowan Tree'
Taxus Baccata commonly known as 'Yew'
Viburnum opulus
commonly known as 'Guelder Rose'