NEWS - 2015
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 Older
07/12/15 - TGG 2016 Charity of the Year is Perennial!
Members voted to make Perennial our Charity of the Year during 2016. All advertising commission from Google ads on this website are donated to our Charity of the Year. Perennial have helped many of our members through difficult times by providing financial assistance and advice.
09/11/15 - Over 400 members!
The Gardeners Guild now has over 400 active, qualified members! This excludes forum guests and student members. This makes The Gardeners Guild one of the biggest industry groups and is still the only trade group for self employed, qualified maintenance gardeners.
06/11/15 - TGG members raise £798.21 for Thrive!
We were pleased to present a cheque for £798.21 toThrive at their headquarters in Reading today. The occasion was also used as an opportunity for a member meet-up and tour of Thrives gardens. The money was raised through a combination of advertising commission from Google ads on the main TGG website, member contributions and donations by members customers. Our thanks also to John Pugh of Grass Roots Swansea for organising the event.
08/10/15 - Genus Performance GardenWear
We are pleased to announce that we are supporting www.Genus.gs who will be helping to supply TGG members with professional garden wear!
21/09/2015 - Membership fee increase
The membership fee is now £37 a year.
28/05/15 - Thrive
Another £86.88 donated to Thrive today from Google ads on the advice pages of the public website. All revenue from Google ads is donated to our charity of the year. Around 90% of our target now achieved!https://www.justgiving.com/The-Gardeners-Guild-TGG