If you need expert garden services, or even just help mowing the lawn, search our Member Register to help you find a gardener near you who will maintain your garden and give advice. Our members can help with all aspects of regular garden and grounds maintenance.
We know that finding a competent and reliable gardener is important to you - which is why only gardeners with at least one nationally recognised horticultural qualification are eligible for membership. The Gardeners Guild has members nationwide. You can easily find a gardener near you by searching our Member Register using the search boxes above. Genuine members will be listed in the register. If you cannot find the details of your gardener on the register they are not a member of The Gardeners Guild.
Our logo is a registered 'Collective' Trademark and can only be used by current members of The Gardeners Guild.
Advice to help you choose a gardener and understand how a gardening business operates.
Copyright The Gardeners Guild LLP. All rights reserved.
The Gardeners Guild and The Gardeners Guild logo are registered trademarks of The Gardeners Guild LLP.
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