Apply for membership
Full Member (Contractor)
Full Membership gives access to all services provided by The Gardeners Guild, inclusion in our national Member Register of Qualified Gardeners and allows use of the member logo.
Membership is £52 a year. (£55 from 1st March 2025)
There is an initial processing fee of £10 (£12.50 from 1st March 2025) for new applicants (includes 1 vehicle sticker).Total
cost in year 1 is £62. (£67.50 from 1st March 2025)
Additional stickers are just £3.50 each. Size: 175mm x 185mm. (£3.75 from 1st March 2025)
The Gardeners Guild is not currently registered for VAT.
1 application gives 1 entry in the Member Register.
Fees and subscriptions to professional bodies are allowable against UK Income Tax.
Membership is renewable annually.
Minimum Acceptance criteria - (Full Member)
To be accepted as a member a gardener must meet the following minimum criteria:
a. Be self-employed and the proprietor of the business they trade as or a
Partner/Director of that business and;
b. Be at
least 18 years old.
c. Include garden maintenance as part of their services and;
d. Be primarily dedicated to horticulture or a trade related to horticulture and;
e. Have at least one regulated
horticultural qualification equal to Ofqual 'Level 2 Certificate' or above that included plant identification as part of the syllabus.
Applicants must send evidence for all of the qualifications that they
claim to have with
their application form.
If you are unsure please contact us.
Application Form - Full Member.
You can now apply online!
Take a picture of each of your qualifications using your smartphone. Once you have done that, click on the link below to apply for membership using our online form: